Crisis Management and Advanced Negotiation Courses

Tailored assistance and advanced courses are offered to corporate and public national, and international leaders, or to specific groups.

Participants are provided with methods and tools to solve complex problems by moving from hostile and tense situations towards solutions. The courses will improve your insight on how to impact others; and how to develop greater sensitivities in order to solve complex situations and conflicts.

About Dr. Trondalen

Since 1993, Prof Dr Trondalen has extensive experience in crisis and conflict managment. He has successfully trained leaders in negotiation and conflict resolution at all levels worldwide. He shares his experience as a ‘front-line’ negotiator, facilitator, and mediator from several contentious regions.

His experience-based courses improve individual and team negotiating capabilities, enabling problem-solving and more qualified decisions and agreements.

Learn more

Advisory services and training courses give you answers to questions like:

What is success in a negotiation, and how to achieve it?

How to correctly judge tense and complex situations?

How to deal with emotional stress in a negotiation?

How to make ‘right’ decisions under pressure?

How to handle a ‘difficult’ counterpart?

How to handle ‘deadlocked’ situations?

How to gain opportunities and deals?

How to avoid common errors?